La Bâtie is constantly developing access to the Festival's venues and offers you solutions for easy travel throughout the event.
Choose your mode of transport in the tab above, make a reservation, and get moving!

To get to Château Rouge (Annemasse) :

* Take tram 17 to its terminus on the French side ("Parc de Montessuit", which is the park of the Villa du Parc)
* Follow the Clos-Fleury street
* Follow rue Marc Courriard
* Follow the route de Bonneville - Château Rouge is at number 1.

The walk from the Parc de Montessuit takes less than 15 minutes.

festival-goer card

Enter your card number below (festival-goer, accreditation, staff...)n

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Learn more about the benefits of the Festival-goer Card

{{ cart.tickets_count}} Tickets / {{ cart.pass_count}} pass / {{ cart.amount_original}}.-

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To validate your order, please read and accept the terms and conditions, then enter a valid email address on which your tickets and order confirmation will be sent.

Please read and accept the terms and conditions to validate your order.

To validate your order, please enter a valid email address on which your tickets and order confirmation will be sent.


Information required

We inform you that you will need to complete one form per ticket before validating your shopping cart.

You will be asked for the last name(s), first name(s) and telephone number(s) of the ticket recipients !