Nancy Huston CA

Grisélidis Réal CH

Françoise Courvoisier CH

Denis Jutzeler CH

Reines du réel

Un film-spectacle, d’après "Reine du réel" de Nancy Huston et des textes de Grisélidis Réal

Stage / film

This spring, Nancy Huston’s Reine du réel – A Letter to Grisélidis Réal was published, featuring 160 pages in tribute to the Cleopatra of the streets, like a declaration of sisterhood. It didn’t start so well though. The Canadian novelist saw in this “big-hearted whore” the very image of the woman-object offered to man’s desire. But the years passed and literary and theatre discoveries revealed to her the militant poet and the similar indignations that marked their respective paths. Huston then supported the publication of Grisélidis’ complete poems. From this literary and feminist complicity, Françoise Courvoisier draws a double portrait filled with images, voices, poetry and accounts. Under the plural title borrowed from Huston, two charismatic and humorous intellectuals are honoured. Truly royal and real!

Les Amis musiquethéâtre / Carouge

Locations & access


Full rate : CHF 30.- / Reduced rate : CHF 20.- / Special rate : CHF 15.- / Festival-goer rate : CHF 7.-

Mon 29 Aug 2022 19:00

Tue 30 Aug 2022 21:00

Wed 31 Aug 2022 21:00

Thu 01 Sep 2022 19:00

2022 Creation, co-produced by La Bâtie-Festival de Genève and Les Amis musiquethéâtre
With the support of Ville de Carouge

Length 90'


16 yrs

Cast & credits

By and with
Nancy Huston (on screen) et Françoise Courvoisier (on stage)
A project by
Françoise Courvoisier
With the collaboration of
director Denis Jutzeler
Henri Maïkoff
Denis Jutzeler
Sandrane Ducimetière
Sound editing
Clara Alloing
Adrien Kessler
Damien Molineaux
Rinaldo Del Boca

Based on Reine du réel - Lettre à Grisélidis Réal, published by NiL, and Chair vive, a collection of poems by Grisélidis Réal, recently published by Seghers and prefaced by Nancy Huston


Ville de Carouge


Mr Michel Favre Fabmic and Mrs Stéphanie Lammar, administrative councillor of the City of Carouge

Les Amis musiquethéâtre / Carouge

Locations & access


Full rate : CHF 30.- / Reduced rate : CHF 20.- / Special rate : CHF 15.- / Festival-goer rate : CHF 7.- / See rates details

Mon 29 Aug 2022 19:00

Tue 30 Aug 2022 21:00

Wed 31 Aug 2022 21:00

Thu 01 Sep 2022 19:00

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