Julian Vogel CH
Olga Dukhovnaya FR / UA
Une soirée à la villa Bernasconi
After two years of renovation, Villa Bernasconi once again welcomes La Bâtie. The new 140 square metre basement will be the setting for a circus performance by Julian Vogel, while an exhibition by the same artist can be visited in the Villa’s halls. The public will then be guided to the banks of the Aire to watch an alternative solo version of Swan Lake by Olga Dukhovnaya in a natural setting.
Julian Vogel, China Series
China Series is presented as a score that develops in space, that can be seen and heard and even felt, if you’re close enough to the movements of the porcelain, ceramics and debris that make up these diabolos usually made out of rubber. The exhibition at Villa Bernasconi swishes with these various artefacts that Julian Vogel creates, transforms or destroys. Musician, circus and visual artist, he offers multiple variations of these toys, around which he dances and performs. Suspended, filmed or laying flat, puppet-like or as a curtain, objects and bodies blur the boundaries between performative installation, sculpture and theatre. And in their perpetual movement, Vogel’s diabolos sound a fragile mantra. Spellbinding.
Olga Dukhovnaya, Swan Lake Solo
Let’s clear up any ambiguity: Swan Lake Solo is not Princess Odette’s solo, nor is it a contemporary version of Tchaikovsky’s ballet. Swan Lake Solo is a topical dance show. On 9 March 2022, the front page of the Russian opposition newspaper Novaya Gazeta featured the silhouettes of four ballerinas from Swan Lake against the background of a nuclear explosion. Since the fall of Gorbachev, television has broadcast Tchaikovsky’s ballet whenever the news gets too hot.
The war dealt a final blow to her project after two years of lockdown : Olga Dukhovnaya gave up the idea of choreographing Swan Lake for 32 dancers, an orchestra and singers, commissioned by the new Moscow museum. In an undertaking of ecological deconstruction, the Ukrainian choreographer then concentrated the entire corps de ballet in that of a single performer: herself. Together with Russian composer Anton Svetlichny, the duo tuned it to Tchaikovsky’s music that was as playful as it was respectful. An essential and dynamic dance show was born from all these constraints, giving Swan Lake Solo the tones of joyful and delightful freedom.
Villa Bernasconi / Lancy
Full rate : CHF 30.- / Reduced rate : CHF 20.- / Special rate : CHF 15.- / Festival-goer rate : CHF 7.-
Wed 31 Aug 2022 19:00
Thu 01 Sep 2022 19:00
Fri 02 Sep 2022 17:00
Hosted in co-production with Villa Bernasconi – Centre d'art de la Ville de Lancy
With the support of Ville de Lancy and Pro Helvetia - Swiss Arts Council
Length 150'
8 yrs.
Julian Vogel
Creation and interpretation
Julian Vogel
Outside Eye
Roman Müller
Set design and technical direction
Savino Caruso
Technicians on tour
Orpheo Carcano, Roman Müller, Noémie Hajosi
Graphic design
Laurence Felber
Photo and video
Savino Caruso, Phillippe Deutsch, Eleonora Camizzi, Tilman Pfäfflin
Texts and translation
Cyrille Roussial, Julian Vogel
Ute Classen
Photo credits
Savino Caruso and Franzi Kreis
Olga Dukhovnaya
Olga Dukhovnaya
Based on a free interpretation of Tchaikovsky's Ballet
Choreographic score
Olga Dukhovnaya & Alexis Hedouin
Sound score
Anton Svetlichny
Lighting and costume score
Outside Eye
François Maurisse
Stage management
François Aubry
Production Manager
Amélie-Anne Chapelain
Photo credits
Doriane Rio
Julian Vogel
Ute Classen
Olga Dukhovnaya
Production C.A.M.P
Julian Vogel
Coproductions Festival cirqu’aarau, Plus Petit Cirque du Monde – Pépinière Premiers Pas, Festival Circolo, Südpol Luzern, circusnext
Villa Bernasconi / Lancy
Full rate : CHF 30.- / Reduced rate : CHF 20.- / Special rate : CHF 15.- / Festival-goer rate : CHF 7.- / See rates details
Wed 31 Aug 2022 19:00
Thu 01 Sep 2022 19:00
Fri 02 Sep 2022 17:00